Alice  Guiness

Alice Guiness

Alice Guinness is a Yindjibarndi woman who was born at Goodabinyia. Alice has been painting for many years at art centres across Roebourne. Her work features the Burndud/ Bundut Circle, an important story in Yindjibarndi culture which relates to Birdirra Law. Alice paints the Burndud in different styles and recently has been experimenting with painting the Burndud on paper. 

Banyiji (Pansy) Cheedy on her cousin, Alice:

"Alice started painting before me. She paints the Burndud circle. It's a dance in our traditions. She does that a lot, in a lot of different styles and colours... The Burndud circle is a story for our law dance. Birdirra Law. It's a unique law and it's the only one and it belongs to the Yindjibarndi people. So she does that Burndud circle with that in mind

Banyji (Pansy) Cheedy, 2021.